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SIGHTINGS: an eye on malaysia, a photoblog by tv smith
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Karak Lava
Karak Lava
Karak Highway, 10th February 2008: Like molten lava flowing down a mountain, endless vehicles streamed down the Karak Highway tonight. The reverse exodus is taking place after the long Chinese New Year break. I've been to a lot of nasty places but this secluded vantage point high up on the old Bentong road is really scary. Moonshiners and car thieves leave behind tell-tale signs of rusty carcasses and hasty implements. Coincidentally, Bukit Tinggi below was rocked by a series of unexplained tremours recently.

Exposure Info: Olympus E-510, ISO 200, f11, 10 sec
Photograph, title & caption by & copyright © 2008 TV SMITH

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